Friday, April 1, 2011

Reflections on Living in WA

1. I finally know what the values of the coins are without having to look for the number on them.
2. All the toilets have two buttons, for water saving.
3. All the electrical outlets have switches to reduce "vampire" energy loss.
4. I eat a lot of peanut butter compared to other people.
5. High-waisted jean shorts are in, as well as belly shirts.
6. People say funny things like: The wind is strong enough to "blow dogs off chains."
7. No worries
8. Sometimes I don't understand what people are saying even though it is in English.
9. The seasons are backwards- it's time to buy your fall wardrobe already! and leaves are falling off some of the trees. But, it is still very warm here.
10. Eggs are not refrigerated in grocery stores.
11.Chupa Chups
12.I still confuse WA (Western Australia) with WA (Washington) especially with the stickers on apples.
13. Skin cancer is common (4x the amount in the US) =playgrounds have shade coverings, and the Cancer Council has a mantra: slip (clothing), slop (sunscreen), slap (hat), seek (shade), slide (sunglasses).
14. Greenhouses are called glasshouses.
15. Pandora internet radio does not work here...
16. Using a clothes dryer is a rare occurrence.
17. cm and °C
18. Eating local and organic are not as mainstream here as in the PNW.
19. I have worn pants two times since my arrival (one time I was ice skating).
20. There are no hummingbirds.


  1. in two months time, that's alot - you are a keen observer of your environment!

  2. I really like your list about living in Australia. They don't refrigerate eggs in France either.

  3. Haha, it is so weird that some of your realizations are the same as ones I had in Jordan! I ate so much peanut butter compared to other people, there were no hummingbirds, and Chupa Chups were all over Israel.
