Melbourne is located in Victoria and it takes about 3.5 hours to fly there from Perth.
After disembarking from the train, we went into downtown to find some breakfast, explore, and find our hostel. We took a free tourist bus around the city and saw some sights. Then, we got off the bus and went to the visitors centre, one of the nicest I have been too. From there we kept walking around and went to the Victoria Art Museum. I saw a few paintings that we had discussed in my Australian Culture class including ones of Ned Kelly and artistic interpretations of the drought.
We then found the graffiti alleyways that Melbourne is famous for. They are covered in artistic graffiti that must have taken years to paint/spray. Here are some photos:
The next morning we got up really early for our 7am pick-up at the hostel for the Great Ocean Road tour. It was a lot of driving with many views of this along the coast:
After that we went to Apollo Bay for lunch and then to Otway's Rainforest where I saw my first moss of Australia! It was rainy and there were tree ferns everywhere! Here is the group, Me, Kelly, and Amanda:
Our last stop to look at some rocks was London Bridge:
This landform partially collapsed a few years ago, but we were still able to see the remaining portion. There was a story with this rock too, apparently two lovers went there during the week for a vacation. They became stranded on the rock when the bridge collapsed that connected it to the mainland. They were safe, but had to wait until someone found them. Luckily, there was an older couple who had just visited the bridge and they drove into town to alert the police. The policeman did not believe that the “bridge” had collapsed but after a while he went to look for himself. Sure enough, there were two people stranded. He called around to ask if anyone had an available helicopter and they only one not broken/at the shop belonged to a news agency. They agreed to rescue the people only if they could film the event. When they flew up to rescue the couple, the reporters noticed the man and woman below covered their faces and tried to hide. Apparently, they both were married, just not to each other, and they had both called in “sick” that day!
We stayed overnight at Ned's Beds, a hostel near the Grampians National Park. It was basically a Ned's grandmother's house with bunk beds in every bedroom.
We got up the next morning ready for some hiking!
The second day of the tour we woke up and walked over to a nearby field for a look at some “wild” kangaroos. Then we drove to some falls. There had been a huge landslide//flood in the area and the riverbed was full of debris. The path had recently been reconstructed.
We then went to the Brambuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre where we looked at some displays of Indigenous artifacts, art, and went on a stroll through some trails.
After that we went on another hike in the Grampians National Park on Hollow Mountain. We hiked all the way to the top and the views were amazing. The limestone rocks had been heavily weathered by water and there were caves that we crawled through.
The tour ended with a free wine tasting at Best’s Wines!
We then drove back to Melbourne, where we were dropped off at Base Hostel. We ate dinner at one of my favourite restaurants so far called Lentil as Anything. It was a pay-what-you-feel vegetarian restaurant with an interesting history. I ate dahl with bread, a small salad, and chai!
After dinner we explored more of Melbourne in the dark. We went down to St. Kilda's beach, a few min away from our hostel. We heard there were penguins down by the rocks so went went to check it out. We saw three "fairy" penguins and one water rat! The penguins were so cute and they made funny noises! I tried to imitate them...We also imitated angry-looking statues:
The last day in Melbourne we left the hostel and took the tram into the city. We went to The Pancake Parlour for breakfast where I had buckwheat pancakes! Yum! They had some crazy combinations like cinnamon and banana with ice cream. After that Kelly and I went to a fancy hotel to look at a free view of the city from the ladies restroom:
After walking almost all day I meet up with Kelly and Amanda back in the city. We went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant where I got pumpkin soup. Then we took a bus to the airport and headed back to Perth!
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